How does LBRY disclose its usage of LBC?
LBRY issues regular reports outlining its transaction history as well as the current state of LBRY, Inc.'s balance sheet and anticipated future expenditures.
How do I view the reports?
The reports are publicly available on the Credit Reports page. When a new report is issued, we post a link to our official Twitter. They are also usually mentioned in a community email message, though not as promptly. You can join our mailing list here.
When are reports issued?
Reports are issued every 3 months in January, April, July, and October, covering the preceding 3 full months. There is no specific day within the month that the reports are issued, though we try to get them out promptly.
Are the reports financial advice? Are they legally binding?
The reports are not official or legal financial disclosures, nor do they formally or legally bind the company in any way. They are an attempt by us to provide transparency about our usage of LBC.
LBRY Inc. does not commit to following predictions made in the reports and reserves full rights to change how it uses LBC at any time.
What happens if the reports contain a mistake?
If we issue a factually mistaken report, we will update the report with a correction. If the mistake is caught within the same month that it was issued and was not substantial, the report will be updated without a notification other than a reply to the original Tweet.
If an error is noticed in the report outside of the month it was issued or the error was substantial, then we will publish a blog post and a separate Tweet announcing the correction, as well as leave a note in the report itself linking to the blog post explaining the mistake.
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